COPD and How Your Tampa Dentist Can Help With Challenges

COPD and How Your Tampa Dentist Can Help With Challenges

What is COPD and Why Dental Hygiene is So Important?

What is COPD?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Why is COPD important?
The CDC reports that COPD is the 3rd leading cause of death in America.

How can my Tampa Dentist help with COPD?
A COPD patient is at a higher risk for gingivitis, periodontal disease, dry mouth and tooth decay. These oral health conditions cause a worsening of COPD symptoms. Conversely, patients that focus purposefully on their Dental Fitness will better control these symptoms and have fewer flare-ups. Read below for important FAQ’s.

Dental hygiene is important.
Know that oral bacteria is directly linked to respiratory infections, infections in your lungs and airways and a host of other health problems including COPD. 

Brush your teeth (and tongue) with a soft bristled toothbrush and replace your toothbrush frequently to help limit bacterial growth on the toothbrush and to improve brushing results. 

Floss daily to help control plaque.

COPD Patients are more susceptible to dental disease.  Be sure to schedule appointments at more frequent intervals to maintain gingival health, manage decay and restore dental breakdown so that you can retain your teeth and control infection.

Fluoride toothpaste
Ask your dentist about fluoride toothpaste use since increased fluoride may be necessary to help control your increased susceptibility to dental decay.

Oral Dehydration can contribute
to gingivitis, periodontal disease and tooth decay.
We suggest that patients sip water throughout the day in order to help hydrate oral tissue and stress that frequent dental care is essential. 

If you are a smoker
know that tobacco use increases the bacterial load in your mouth and will negatively impact your COPD symptoms.

In short, visit your dentist to maintain dental health and you will improve your overall medical health and help to control and even limit your COPD symptoms.

What are common symptoms of COPD?
Symptoms may vary with each individual.

– Chronic cough and a need to clear your throat, especially in the morning

– Increased mucus

– Wheezing

– Shortness of Breath

– Fatigue or lack of energy

– Chest tightness

– Swelling in ankles, feet or legs

– Fast heartbeat

– Loss of mental alertness

– Blueness of lips or fingernail beds (cyanosis)

– Frequent respiratory infections and colds

– Unintended weight loss

What risks increase chances of developing COPD?
Smoking and frequent exposure to airborne irritants such as air pollution, dust and fumes.

How can I improve or manage COPD?
– If you smoke, quit.
– Avoid exposure to airborne irritants.
– See your physician for treatment options
  specific to your needs.
– See your dentist and focus on your oral hygiene
  and dental health.

Visit these helpful Article Links for additional information:

– COPD Dental Health Tips

– Study: Periodontitis can worsen lung condition

– Article / Podcast:  Study revealing  that poor oral health leads to irreversible lung disease